Monday, August 4, 2008

Nick's Deployment

You never realize what military families go through during deployments until it happens to you.  Life becomes so precious, my phone sleeps on the pillow next to me and during the day it's always close by just waiting for that phone call, and my sense of patriotism has grown tremendously.  Men and women so bravely give of themselves, are separated from their families for months and even years, are in harm's way day in and day out all to do their part for the greatest nation.  Never take for granted the freedoms and luxuries that are made possible by these heroes who are willing to sacrifice EVERYTHING for you.  I love you, Baby!  You're my hero!!!

Just a typical day in the cockpit
One of Nick's first missions
This is what they all do soon after they leave for deployment...grow a terrrible thing called a mustache.
I think they do all the things their wives would NEVER let them do!

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